
Video Production

SDL Numismatic Properties

Video about investing in rare gold and silver coins.


Db Tech Design will provide you with unique orlando video production that bridges both digital and analog technologies and will produce a powerful selling tool for your website. Our orlando video production team has extensive experience in all stages of production and will assist you through the whole video production experience.

If you are outside the orlando area we also offer full florida video production also. Just give us a call!


This is the most important step in any worthwhile video. Prior to filming your video we plan to include:-Who-What-Where-When-Why-How. We at db Tech Design will walk you through each step so we all have a clear vision of how the video will come out.

By understanding how the video will culminate, there will be no surprises or hidden costs at the end of production. Using cutting-edge technology alongside tradition styles and techniques, our Orlando Video Production team, using the pre-production plan, will setup , shoot and produce a professional company video to boost product sales of your item.

Our professional staff can meet any video production requirement from basic animation to “how-to” videos. Db Tech Design does this using our broadcast-quality equipment in conjunction with out unique sense of creativity.


Once we have has finished the video shoot we will complete the video with post-production editing. Our goal is to complete a video that accurately captures your vision and makes it easy for your client to understand. Our post production equipment is state of the art and can manipulate the video in any way you choose. Only after that is finished is it time to compress the video and upload it to your website. Let us help with that. Our orlando web design firm will load your video onto your website and set it for automatic play or click to play.


Youtube and Google Videos are getting filled with millions of hours of video from people uploading high quaility and very low quaulity video. Creating, shooting, and editing the video is the hard part, if its done right you will tend to get better views.


Most people know that having a video on your site seperates your site from others. People pay more attention to videos that are professionally made and have the correct lighting and sound. We advise you NOT to try to make a cheap video on your own because of this reason. Give us a call today and ask how we can help produce a video for your florida company today at 407-572-5026.